Art Direction + Music Video Production
“Killers” is an American indie-pop music video that followers 6 girls around Soho as they embark on a stylish path of reckless youth, calculated chaos, and self discovery. The music video embodies the energy and feeling of what it means to be young in a city that promotes carefree energy and true freedom. On a quest for whatever life wants them to find, the girls bond through their nonchalant and free spirited beauty.


Artist: Groupthink
Creative direction: Groupthink, Jake Hagen, Crystal Chen
Casting: Collective Casting and Jochi Saca
Videographer: Jake Hagen
Editor: Jake Hagen
Photography: Crystal Chen and Coldgamejiggy
Cast: Mave S., Melanie D., Xi Pierce, Sire, Hannah Lasure, Crystal Toto